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COVID Resources
SHAPECO Round Table Discussion – Quality Remote Health and PE
This is the 2nd SHAPECO Round Table Discussion will focus on what Quality Remote Health and Physical Education looks like, what the difference is between Physical Education and Physical Activity and how to hold students accountable for…
SHAPECO Round Table Discussion – Re Entry Focus
This Round Table is focusing on the SHAPE America Re Entry guidelines. and the CDE Re Entry Guidelines
Also check out the SHAPECO Podcast -…
SHAPE America Re-Entry Consideration Resources
All Students Need Health and Physical Education
The COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically changed how schools operate and has illuminated the need to prioritize students’ safety, health and well-being.
As school districts create new…
Advocacy Letter for Health and PE for Educators
With everything that is going on around Re-Entry if you are not sure how to reach out to your administration, we are here to help you! The Advocacy Committee has created a letter for you to be able to download and use for your own.…
Adapted Physical Education COVID-19 Resources
As we work through this new endeavor of providing remote instruction, the Colorado Adapted Physical Educators Padlet is a collaborative effort by several Colorado Adapted Physical Educators. This resource is to provide remote learning…