Hello SHAPE Colorado Members and Advocates!
Hope 2023 is going well for you! For those who don’t know me, I’m Pam Rogers, current President of SHAPE Colorado.
I’m honored to serve the organization along with our 45 Board Members. Through the lens of equity, diversity and
inclusion, our Board works hard to embrace change that lasts a life time. We’re committed to promoting practices and
programs that educate and inspire students, parents and communities to achieve active, healthy lifestyles.
There are many exciting things happening, here’s a few that might interest you:
This year, we’ve started a SHAPECO Board BIPOC affinity group, supporting Black, Indigenous and People of Color. This
group is focused on building community within our board. Our vision is for this opportunity to serve as a model for
future communities.
The Advocacy Committee is hosting SHAPE Colorado Advocacy Day at the Colorado State Capitol on Thursday, March 2
from 8a-3p. Come meet your state legislators in person and learn to effectively convey our important message that
health and physical education are keys to student success. If you are interested in joining us, please submit this quick
form by Feb. 21, http://tiny.cc/SHAPECOADVODAY23
Our Membership Committee is working on monthly Player Cards that highlight members and leaders in our fields. Our
Health Moves Minds (HMM) team is organizing our SHAPECO Board 24 hour Relay on April 28-29. This fundraising event
will benefit underserved schools by providing PE equipment.
Our Convention and Awards team is gearing up for this year’s fall Convention. This year’s Convention will be held at the
Hyatt Regency Aurora/Denver Convention Center and Hotel on October 8th-10th, 2023! Nominate a colleague for one
of our awards. Here’s the link: https://tiny.cc/2023SHAPECOawards
The Developing Leaders Committee is working on establishing partnerships with teachers in diverse environments to
provide observation and professional development opportunities for new and pre-service teachers. They are also
organizing pre-convention sessions for the 2023 Convention.
Our Professional Development Committee is hosting both virtual and in person opportunities for members to engage in.
Look for emails with registration information.
Feb 23, Jo Dixon will provide a virtual presentation on Creating Learning Intentions/Targets for PE.
In collaboration with CDE, we have two virtual APE professional development sessions coming up:
o March 7 from 3:30p-4:30p Switches, Leaf Blowers, Robots & More! Assistive Technology in Adapted PE
o March 9 from 3:30p-4:30p Cross Curricular Activities in Adapted P.E.
April 22 from 9a-12p US Games will provide professional development session in Grand Junction
Look for upcoming info regarding our PE Pub talks – a time for relationship and support.
As you can see, there are a lot opportunities to get involved. We look forward to serving you in the future!
Pam Rogers
SHAPE Colorado President

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