Inspiring Day with State Rep Anthony Hartsook at Cherokee Trail Elementary School!
We were thrilled to have State Representative Anthony Hartsook visit our school today and dive into the world of physical education!
Huge shoutout to Michelle, our incredible Physical Education teacher, who delivered an outstanding, standards-based lesson. She not only focused on Physical Education but also integrated literacy and math, showing how learning can be fun and multifaceted!
We are proud to be a part of the Society of Health and Physical Education Colorado (SHAPE CO) and to champion quality and standards-based physical education.
Together, we’re shaping the future of our students, nurturing their social and emotional growth, and instilling the principles of fitness.
Let’s keep striving for excellence in education and promoting the importance of health and wellness in our schools! #EducationMatters #PhysicalEducation #ShapeTheFuture
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