People Achieving Active and Healthy Lifestyles

Is Your School in the Running?


The National Foundation of Governor’s Fitness Councils wants to reward your elementary or middle school for showing leadership getting and keeping your students fit. All educators across the state are encouraged to nominate their school to be in the running to receive a $100,000 Don’t Quit!  state-of-the-art fitness center.

  • Is your school in Colorado?
  • Is your school a public or public charter school?
  • Are most of your students between the ages of 8-13 years old?
  • Does your school have a 900 – 1,500 square foot space ready for brand new fitness equipment?

Then apply today!

Physical activity and exercise are shown to help prevent and treat more than 40 chronic diseases, enhance individual health and quality of life, reduce health care costs, improve academic achievement, increase confidence and self-esteem, reduce discipline problems, cut absenteeism and foster better interpersonal relationships. The National Foundation for Governor’s Fitness Councils seeks to encourage innovation in the field of youth fitness by recognizing and rewarding schools that use new and unique methods to promote physical activity and wellness among their students. The National Foundation for Governor’s Fitness Councils envisions a fitness center in every school in the U.S., helping to build a nation that — through a Don’t Quit! attitude — boasts the fittest kids in the world.


Each fitness center is financed through public/private partnerships and does not rely on taxpayer dollars or state funding. Since 2012, the National Foundation for Governor’s Fitness Councils has delivered fitness centers in 19 states and this year plans to locate new fitness centers at schools in Colorado, Maryland and Louisiana.

Applications due by June 2. For questions, contact:

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