People Achieving Active and Healthy Lifestyles

SHAPECO Journal Submissions – Winter Edition

Deadline – 11/17/19

The SHAPE CO Journal is currently seeking articles for its December issue! Not sure what to submit…here are some ideas:
•How do you maintain an effective learning environment as the year progresses? Tell us your best classroom management tips.
•Do you have a great lesson idea? Submit a lesson plan and a description of the lesson – include a photo of your students participating!
•How do you get back on track after the long winter break? Let our members know your ideas!
•Are you doing research that would interest our members? We want to publish it!
•Do you know a champion teacher that deserves a shout out? Let us know about them!

Submissions should be between 300 and 400 words and have appropriate citations where necessary (research articles can be longer – please contact editor). Authors should include photos to help emphasize key article points. Please proofread articles prior to submission.

Journal Information:
The SHAPE Colorado Journal is published on a quarterly basis. The purpose is to keep members up to date with happenings around the state, share teaching ideas, and provide information relevant to the SHAPE Colorado mission.

Anyone may submit articles to the journal. Prospective authors should submit their article, name of article, professional headshot to accompany article and any other materials needed for publication using the submission form to the right.

Your article can be written based on anything that meets the SHAPE Colorado Mission and Vision. The author may choose to have an “Editor/Peer-reviewed” process (typical) or a “Blind Review” process (for scholarly articles).

For more information, please contact the SHAPE Colorado Journal editor Jaimie McMullen, at:

How to Submit:
Submit your article through our online submission form:

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