2023 SHAPE Colorado
Emerging Leaders Convention Scholarship
Application Submission Timeframe: October 10-31, 2023
SHAPE Colorado would like to support Emerging Leaders by offering the Emerging Leaders
Convention Scholarship on a competitive basis, which will reimburse scholarship recipients with
$100 toward the Annual SHAPE Colorado Convention registration fee for Emerging Leaders who
meet the criteria and fulfill the requirements outlined below. A limited number of scholarships
are available.
Eligibility Criteria and Requirements:
● You must be a current SHAPE Colorado Student Member at the time of the Convention.
● You must currently be enrolled in a 2- or 4-Year Colorado Higher Education Institution.
● You must have a declared major in one of the following fields of study: Health, Physical
Education, Recreation, Dance, or Coaching.
● Priority consideration goes to:
o Applications submitted by senior and junior level members
o Emerging leaders who pay out of pocket (not financially supported by their
university/clubs for registration costs)
The online application should be submitted after the convention has concluded but before the
deadline of October 31 and includes the following sections:
● Personal/School Information
● Describe your career and professional goals.
● Identify the top three sessions you attended during the convention that align with your
professional goals. Describe how what you learned in these sessions and how your
participation in these sessions will help you grow professionally.
● Describe how you shared your conference/learning with others.
● Volunteer Hours Description (bonus points, see below for details)
To apply for the scholarship, click on the link below to complete the application form between
October 10-31, 2023:
Emerging Leaders Convention Scholarship Application
Opportunity for Bonus Points toward scoring (must plan ahead!):
Emerging leaders can earn up to two bonus points on their application score for volunteering
their time at the convention. To volunteer:
● Access the Emerging Leaders Convention Volunteer Signup form sent to emerging
leaders via email.
● Sign up for a minimum of 2 HOURS to assist with events/tasks within the options
provided. These may include activities such as helping with the Silent Auction, helping
with the information table, assisting with technology or other setup/teardown, and
more. Be sure that you will be in attendance at the Convention during the date/time
you select.
● Note: Service slots will be first-come, first-served, so register early to get a spot!
● Final service assignments and details will be posted at the check-in table at the
Scholarship recipients will be notified via email of their award by November 20 and will receive
their reimbursement by December 31. Scholarships are funded by the Silent Auction at
Convention and the Cindy Young Scholarship Fund. The total amount of reimbursement is
subject to the funds generated by both. Additionally, if the funds run out before a convention
occurs, there will be no scholarships available for reimbursement.