People Achieving Active and Healthy Lifestyles

SHAPE Colorado We Need Your Support!

Good news! Our Physical Education Pilot Bill (HB 1161) has been introduced and soon we’ll be testifying before the state House and Senate Education Committees. Bill details and tracking:

We are confirming March 7 as our first of two Lobby Days this spring. Please join us at the capitol as we testify in support of the bill and quality Physical Education. Detailed schedule will be out soon.

Our second Lobby Day will be set as soon as we confirm dates of the Senate hearing.

We need your support! Here’s how to champion SHAPECO’s legislative work:
• Consider joining us at the state Capitol. Fill out this short google form if you’re interested in attending 
• Soon, we will post the events on social media — please like, comment and share.  Let your friends, family and colleagues know about HB1161.
• Email your legislators to vote YES on HB1161. Instructions coming soon on how to forward our pre-created email.

THANKS for your support and passion for the children of Colorado and Physical Education.

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